Information on the authenticity of reviews
Reviews on our website can be submitted by all visitors. This means that a review can also be written by someone who has not bought the product from us.
Every incoming review is checked both automatically and manually.
The automatic check takes place in the form of a comparison of the review with the order history in order to verify an actual product purchase and the authenticity of the review or by sending individualized links to customers after completing an order. These links lead to a review form that only customers who have actually purchased a product have access to.
During the manual check and examination, we control the content of the review for logical contradictions and other abnormalities. This means whether the purchase and review of the product are related to each other in time and space and whether there are any contradictions in content. This allows us to investigate whether the customer has actually used the product.
Example: A shampoo is rated with the sentence: “I don’t like the colour and material of the bed.” The content of the reviews shows that the review cannot match the product being reviewed.
Each review is then marked accordingly with “Verified purchase”, product purchased from us, or “Non-verified purchase”, it could not be proven that the product was purchased from us.
We would be happy if you would like to review our products. In order for your review to be published, please observe the following guidelines:
- The review may of course contain your opinion and possibly criticism. Any form of discrimination and insults will not be tolerated though.
- It is not permitted to leave advertisements for other products in reviews.
- We do not allow reviews from so-called product testers. You must not have received any financial compensation from third parties for the review.
- Reviews must be based on your experience with the product and must be true. Any form of untrue claims and attempts at manipulation will not be tolerated.
If our review guidelines are violated, we reserve the right to temporarily or permanently block your customer account and any reviews submitted by it.
There is no stricter filtering of negative reviews or preference over positive reviews. As long as a review meets the above criteria, it will be published equally, regardless of whether it is formulated in a positive or critical way.
This information has been created using a template from the Kanzlei Plutte and amended by the website owner.